General Litigation
This Department Institutes & Defends Legal Proceedings In The Widest Possible Sense
General Litigation is an umbrella term associated with civil lawsuits in general, relating to a wide number of industries and matters.
Ready to get in touch with your new lawyer?

We provide a comprehensive range of legal services and pay close attention to each client’s particular needs and financial constraints. For the general litigation lawyer, extensive knowledge and experience is everything, two aspects which our general litigation lawyers possess a lot of.
Our general litigation lawyers are the ones you need in a fight, the ones who you deserve and who will go with you into the trenches.
We can assist you with a wide range of disputes, including in respect of:
- Animal feed and related industries matters
- Consumer protection law
- Commercial litigation
- Neighbour disputes
- Administrative law and access to information matters
- Debt collection and related matters
- Personal injury matters resulting from amongst others slips, falls and assaults
- Professional negligence matters by attorneys and other professionals
- Sectional title, homeowner associations and rental housing matters
- Credit law matters
- Defamation and infringement of dignity matters
- Evictions
- Other general litigation matters