Intellectual Property
Comprehensive Solutions to Safeguard and Enforce Your Intellectual Rights

Intellectual Property (“IP”) refers to creations of the mind and is a broad description of a set of intangible assets owned by a person. These intangible assets can include literary, musical and artistic works, designs, symbols, names and images.

The law protects IP through a number of mechanisms, including by way of patents, industrial designs, copyright and trade marks. This protection affords creators recognition as well as a bundle of exclusive rights and benefits relating to their IP.

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We offer a wide range of IP related services including:
  • conducting of trade mark and design availability searches;
  • providing opinions on the registrability of IP;
  • filing and prosecution of trade mark and design applications;
  • filing and disputing trade mark oppositions;
  • attending to trade mark and design renewals;
  • attending to other administrative actions, including change of proprietors’ details;
  • advising on IP right enforcement and the licencing thereof;
  • drafting of licence agreements, non-disclosure agreements, restraint of trade agreements and assignment agreements.
  • enforcing IP rights by litigation or otherwise or opposing enforcment steps.
Waldo Snyman
Theo Steyn
Email012 435 9364
Lyndall Mulock Houwer